SAB North America
93331405 7740303 PNG-3/4 7951603 35681404 2041604 1270804 EM4-25 39550410 31660380 7521205 LMB-25 DC3332003S PNG-1 MPS-29L LME-50 LMG-20 MMS-25L LMG-40 EN4-1 1/2 LPG-7 PNB-3/8R EP2-11 EN4-1/2 LPB-21 MPS-7 LME-25 PNB-1 PMG-32 MMS-16 LNB-3/4 LME-16 PMB-12 PPG-36 EP2-13 MPS-29 MNS-3/8 MNS-1/2 LPG-29 LNM-1 PMG-40 FPB-21 MPS-9 PNB-1/2C EM2-25 LMB-32 PPB-9 LMG-25 MMS-32 EN4-1 1/4 EM2-12 MNS-3/8C MPS-16L LMB-16 LPB-9 PPG-9 EM4-50 FPB-11 PPB-48 FPB-9 EN2-3/8 EM4-63C PPB-11 PNB-1/2R LNM-3/8 PMG-12 LMM-50 PPG-16 LPM-9 EN4-1 PPB-29R FNB-3/4 EP4-13 PMG-63 PPG-13 EM4-20 LMB-12 PPG-16R PNB-3/8 FNB-1/2 PMB-32 MMS-40 PPB-29 PNG-3/8R PPB-7R LNG-1/2 LMG-32 EN4-3/4 PMB-40R LME-32 EP2-29 MMS-20 EM2-16C EM2-50 MPS-13 EM2-16 EM2-25C EN4-1/2C LMB-63 PNB-1R LPG-16 PNG-3/4R LPM-16 LPE-11 PMB-20C LMM-40 PMG-20C PNG-1/2C MPS-11L EP2-36 EP2-48 PMG-20R PPG-11R LNB-1 LMM-12 LMG-16 LPG-42 PMG-20 PPG-7 PNB-1/2RC LPB-11 EM2-40 PPB-9R LNB-3/8 PNB-1/2 LPM-21 MPS-21 PPG-21 LMB-20 EN2-1 LMB-50 LPB-42 LPM-11 LPM-13 PMG-25 PMB-40 EP4-36 LMM-25 EP2-16 EP4-29 PPB-21R PPB-13 LME-12 LMM-16 LPM-29 EM2-32 PPB-21 PNG-1/2R FPB-13 LMM-32 EM2-63 LPB-13 PMB-20R FNB-1/2C PPG-29 PMG-40R EP4-7 PNG-1R PMB-25 PPB-7 PPB-42 PPG-42 MPS-16 LNM-3/4 EM4-32 LNB-1/2 LMM-20 PNG-3/8 PNB-3/4 MNS-3/4 EP2-7 PPG-13R LPM-7 LPE-9 PPG-48 EP2-21 LPG-36 LME-20 MPS-11 PMB-63 EP2-42 MMS-20L LPB-36 PPB-11R PPB-16 MMS-63C LPE-16 MMS-12 EP4-11 LPG-13 PNG-1/2 LPE-13 LMM-63 LNG-3/4 EP4-21 PPB-36 LPE-7 LPG-21 EN2-3/4 PMB-20 PMG-50 PMB-16L EP2-9 PPG-11 PMG-25R PMG-16 LPG-9 EP4-16 LME-63 LPG-11 MMS-25 LMG-50 EP4-42 MMS-50 LPB-29 EP4-48 EN2-1/2 LNG-1 LPB-7 LNM-1/2 PMB-50 PMB-16 LPB-16 LMG-63 EM4-20C PNB-3/4R EM2-20 PMG-32R LMG-12 LNG-3/8 LME-40 LMB-40 7521412 31660850 1271205 2042004 7541812 93331404 93331407 31670190 31660280 7740310 31660480 1271812 31670192 7841202 7872207 93330603 7852403 31670486 8341404 35691464 7951804 DC3332203TP DC3332204TP 7872204 31663250 2041812 7521604 8410441 DC3332205TP 1271605 93331409 7890225 1272003 2042009 7852218 31670986 31660150 2041004 7521804 2041007 93331609 2591604 93341604 93341807 DC3332204 7852405 8410410 93331809 31662750 31670482 2042007 7521418 2591405 8411460 7521203 7522034 7740205 2591004 93341803 7541412 7840503 7841803 31670487 7741215 DC3331803TP 31666380 DC3331802 2591603 7740415 31662780 7522050 93341812 2592003 93341805 31671684 DC3332204S 7741003 7891025 7740210 7541603 1271602 7951818 93340404 2041634 39550415 7541804 7541205 DC3332209 31676382 2591407 31670184 2041425 2042034 35690604 DC3332225S 7520404 DC3222404S 31670886 31673282 8411440 31672782 7890534 7840303 7521004 93330204 93341205 7840405 31660180 93331207 7840403 31663280 35680204 7852225 2041418 2042061 35781404 39550425 7671340 8341204 31671188 93331605 31660250 7741205 7740460 2591812 2041809 31671187 7521807 7841802 1271407 7740305 2590804 2041641 7521605 31670182 2041650 2041407 93341825 7852210 7840415 7890214 93331402 2591605 31670284 7521005 35680404 35681004D 7841210 39550362 93331205 7841203 7840215 2041005 7541207 2042041 7840205 7541204 7541805 31670484 7542018 7740203 7740302 7741002 2591003 31676388 31672791 7520804 7951803 7521007 2042010 93331634 7671362 7541825 7541407 93330803 31670982 7891014 2041608 16774630 7890725 2041814 93331818 8410415 93341818 93330804 7951825 DC3332001TP 35681204 31672790 2590604 7740503 7840502 31660780 31671686 1271405 7872214 93330605 93341625 7840505 7841002 93330604 7951812 93331612 7521603 93331204 2041409 2042005 31670884 93331618 2590404 7741802 2041625 7522018 93341804 7521425 16314631 1271604 7740215 2591818 DC3332203 DC3331804TP 7951807 93331825 7521607 35681404D 7740510 DC3222404TP 93341603 2041615 35681604 7541818 39550361 2041405 7890434 2591404 2591805 7541404 7521812 93331604 31670191 7852207 31670887 7671360 7741210 7521815 93331607 2592002 93340604 DC3331601TP 93341403 7951618 39550440 93331812 7840302 DC3331801TP 93341404 7740425 8341604 31671682 7540204 7841810 7852404 93331403 7890234 2041618 2591807 2041815 7520604 93331807 7521407 7840402 7740440 93341607 7852203 93341612 7951403 2041203 31661150 2592005 7740702 39550315 7740410 7840725 1271004 7542007 7840210 31670582 7540804 31670984 6752202 31670282 94441825 31676386 39550215 31670194 8410461 35690404 8410425 7741810 7542003 2041609 2591803 2591825 93331603 7542004 2592025 31671688 93341405 7890450 31670386 35691614 7521207 7840425 7522005 7541625 7542012 31670388 2592004 31672788 7890525 7951612 93330404 7671325 31671182 31670888 7522025 2041818 7840301 7890425 7541418 7872218 31672784 7542025 39550515 7671361 39550525 7521834 94441812 7741815 2041404 31670186 35781204 2042008 7840702 7671366 1271403 2041841 93341605 35681204D 39550510 93341809 2040805 16874630 1271404 7541807 31670488 31670286 7741225 7521802 39550325 2041630 93341407 2041661 DC3332210S DC3332203S 31670195 7740515 93331625 93340204 1271603 35690204 31670193 7852214 2041412 2041612 7522012 31670784 93331804 DC3332202TP DC3332215S 7742510 35690804 31670882 31670584 31670187 7521634 35691414 1271607 7740405 2591204 2040804 39550310 2592007 7890334 31671184 2041825 7890325 2591007 7521618 7521650 93331425 7740325 7840703 7521204 2042016 31670992 7741803 2591207 8411425 7892525 7840710 7742505 7852407 2040404 7852204 2041804 93331418 2042002 2042003 31672787 31670288 31660880 7840340 7522004 2040204 2592010 7952403 35680804 1271803 7840705 93331803 7890250 93341004 7521825 2041807 39550360 94441803 8410471 35691004 31670287 7842503 7671363 7852205 2041802 DC3332004S 2041605 2041403 1271203 93331650 31660980 93341204 7852418 7521818 31670384 7890414 2041607 1271804 39550540 2591203 2041834 7840715 2041212 2041861 7952407 93331003 93331004 93331802 7541604 31662734 93341203 7840310 7541836 2591804 31661680 DC3332220S 2041810 93341003 35680804D 39550340 93331412 2040604 2041850 2591205 2041204 7671364 7951607 7521609 7840740 7840203 7740703 7540604 31672786 1271204 31670188 7541203 31670684 7740715 7852410 35691204 2591618 7540404 39550560 93331805 2041803 1271616 7872203 7521612 7521403 2042012 7520204 DC3332002TP 1271805 2041805 94441819 8341004 1271612 2042014 7742515 93341618 31676384 31670387 2041205 7951404 7522007 7740710 35680604 7740315 8410485 DC3332212S 31661180 7740403 17774631 35691264 2591403 2591607 7890314 7952404 2042025 31670189 2041603 93341007 35691404 93331007 7521405 16874631 7852603 7521404 94441805 7541605 8410495 31670988 DC3332215 2591005 93331602 35680604D 7840315 93340804 1271003 35681004 35691214 2591625 7740725 7541618 1271807 DC3332201TP 93331005 7840401 2592012 7541004 7740402 7521625 7542005 31670289 2041207 31671186 7852605 6752204 DC3332004 7952202 39550561 31670382 7671368 2041402 7541607 7541612 7842501 31672789 2591612 7522003 2041602 31670782 93331203 7541803 7671365 7891034 2042018 2040605 7740202 7521803 7521805 16774631 35781004 2041003 7740740 31670389 32301404 2811850 7840407 2611604 1241803 95551607 95551403 3150775 2611804 3052025 3150575 37102404 7872410 95551004 77842604 95561618 95551804 6592241 6272341 31670987 3150814 95551805 2811407 8430013 7872404 95561605 6572781 7841402 3150280 95561612 2811603 7740401 6402611 3150334 7872414 2811818 32321404 95561805 7772607 93351404 7772205 31670489 31672794 31870184 6592781 6422251 95551604 3150850 7891414 7872403 1130402 37102418 1241603 3150234 DC3222614 2811404 37102210 95561803 2591418 32321605 3151250 2611204 95561404 7772203 2611412 37102410 95561812 2811807 32301407 31872784 95551812 31862780 3050434 31672793 95551618 7772204 95551625 3150714 2611605 32301603 77841607 17474621 2591412 3150425 7521809 6692202 7952616 95561607 77840804 699008 77841612 7742501 DC3332207S DC3332207 95561204 8390114 7521003 2611602 95551203 3450425 77841418 95561004 37102202 3450434 77841812 95551204 2811604 37102425 3150375 77892003 95561807 95551603 DC3222404 1241602 35681203 3150450 8390115 DC3222604S 37102218 7872407 95551612 2611404 3050425 3150434 3150480 37102214 2591809 1241205 2811607 3050225 3151234 8340804 95551803 77841625 7740301 77892202 7962425 3151414 7772402 93351204 6272751 1241604 2590204 7740705 95551404 8340204 3050314 7772405 93351203 7961612 2611603 2811204 3050334 3450450 37102207 1130252 6163251 1241404 93361612 2812003 2591802 3150750 2611807
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. What does 3M stand for?
2002 – Centennial Name Change. As 3M employees celebrated 3M's centennial anniversary, “3M Company” becomes the legal name for 3M—originally incorporated as Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company.
2. Where is 3M Company from?
Two Harbors, Minnesota, United States
3. Is 3M unionized?
He served until 1977. 3M was proud of its good management-employee relationships. ... Since 1999, unionized employees have been represented by the United Steelworkers.
4. Are all 3M products made in USA?
It's very difficult to find American-made products these days, but St. Paul, Minnesota based 3M Company, is striving to make it easier. 3M products used mostly by the U.S. electrical industry are made in places such as New Ulm and Hutchinson, MN and Chelmsford, MA.
5. Is Scotch owned by 3M?
The Scotch brand, Scotch Tape and Magic Tape are registered trademarks of 3M.
6. What is 3M famous for?
3M Company is known for its culture of innovation and investment in research and development which has resulted in the invention of many new products for both the industrial and consumer markets.
7. How many patents does 3M hold?
How many patents does 3M hold? Technology and innovation are at the heart of 3M – the company has been granted more than 118,000 patents, and each year, more than 4,000 new patents are issued to 3M worldwide.
8. Why is 3M so successful?
The root of 3M's success is its business model; to foster organic growth by inventing entirely new, market-changing products. ... In order to foster this growth, 3M has always emphasized the important of research and development (R&D) to which the company dedicates six percent of its yearly revenue.
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