B2491509 B2490765 B2496514 B2496628 B2496571 DS-868 B2491560 B2491724 NS-508 S2268 DS-498 B2491518 B2491549 B2491545 DS-1615 B2491804 B2496528 B2491502 DS-1580 B2496486 B2491574 RY-340 NS-567 B2496560 RY-1031 S2327 B2496577 B2490754 B2491514 DS-861 AW-1062 RY-293 B2491553 B2490774 B2491515 RY-1118 B2491710 B2496614 RY-81 NS-157 B2491559 B2496625 B2496705 RY-565 B2491910 NS-261 B2491822 B2492065 RY-548 B2496988 B2496791 B2492226 B2497125 NS-225 B2492172 B2492315 B2492314 B2497524 B2492416 B2492521 B2497542 B2497560 DS-544 B2492608 B2497853 B2497965 B2492911 B2495396 B2498117 B2495441 B2498188 B2495532 B2482493 B2498165 B2498230 B2498237 B2482833 B2498299 B2495583 B2495672 B2498497 TC466 TC430 B2495762 B2495789 B2498588 B2489543 B2498928 B2498792 B2498784 B2495781 B2489528 B2495843 B2489840 B2499205 B2499499 B2495945 EFL-8 B2490697 B2496711 B2496779 RY-318 S-900 B2491985 RY-423 B2492092 B2492146 B2497113 NS-528 B2492288 B2492423 B2492398 B2492718 B2492854 DS-2225 B2497984 B2498039 B2482297 B2496616 HLS-1356 B2496770 B2491896 NS-323 B2496953 RY-1587 B2491934 SLS-349 B2492216 B2492131 B2492244 B2492119 B2497106 B2492273 B2492381 B2502580 B2492298 B2492440 RY-667 AW-1071 B2492865 B2497792 B2497862 B2497615 CCD38 B2494577 B2497993 B2498029 B2481000 B2492520 B2492845 B2482185 B2498041 B2492924 B2498258 B2498008 EFL-2 EFL-21 B2489527 AW-1005 B2498094 EFL-22 B2496708 B2496043 RY-158 B2496129 RY-573 RY-670 B2496983 B2497854 B2492014 B2492246 HLS-1155 TS-435 NS-260 B2480631 B2491745 B2492261 B2497982 RY-579 B2498056 B2498052 B2482065 B2492020 B2492446 RY-1486 B2492672 CCA1239 B2492352 RY-402 B2492425 RY-528 B2496835 B2492591 B2498066 B2497613 NS-148 LS-222 B2497769 B2492195 B2480683 B2497107 B2492912 B2497962 B2482331 B2482259 B2498141 B2496774 B2496799 B2498273 RY-720 B2482837 B2498308 B2482853 B2480691 B2497859 B2480993 B2497057 B2495758 DS-863 B2499097 B2498090 B2492400 EFL-71 B2495996 DS-545 NS-300 LS-228 RY-1113 LS-300 RY-168 B2491945 B2492606 B2492925 B2497072 B2495489 B2498153 B2497516 B2498329 B2480575 SLS-353 TC423 B2495815 LS-275 HR-159 B2496665 B2491872 RY-731 NS-301 B2490692 B2490694 RY-557 B2482423 B2482567 B2482643 B2498276 B2492491 CCA1102 B2498884 B2499288 B2499392 EFL-47 HZS274 B2490615 B2490640 B2496126 DS-282 RY-474 B2491949 RY-688 B2492148 B2492166 LS-248 B2482641 B2491968 RY-422 B2492401 B2497521 RY-884 NS-344 B2498531 B2498547 B2495725 RY-724 B2497795 B2498555 CCA1077 B2498848 B2495839 B2498998 B2489582 B2496858 B2491963 B2496986 B2498198 B2498369 B2495551 AW-1046 B2495597 FH47 CCA1022 AW-1042 B2498847 B2482119 B2490511 B2490623 B2498315 B2498561 B2475161 B2489375 B2498751 B2495907 B2495901 B2490663 EFL-59 B2482625 DS-1658 B2482500 B2495622 B2498612 B2482622 B2498672 AW-1028 B2499101 B2489596 B2490647 EFL-9 B2499141 B2490509 B2495928 B2495575 B2496057 EFL-44 B2498579 B2498626 B2498686 B2498831 B2498826 B2489826 B2499098 NS-56 S-2104 B2497803 B2498195 EFL161 B2482268 B2482577 AW-1019 LS-247 DS-1541 B2489648 B2499100 RY-751 B2496138 B2498349 LS-332 B2498869 CCA1106 B2498702 B2498902 B2495869 EFL-42 B2495563 B2482835 B2490517 B2492548 B2480682 B2498018 B2498059 B2482491 B2495682 B2498700 B2489537 B2496063 B2495474 B2482490 B2482566 B2489649 B2499270 DS-1655 B2495979 B2498427 B2489512 B2499224 B2490695 EFL-81 B2482483 LS-221 B2490627 B2496025 RY-717 B2496100 B2482499 B2482502 NS-529 B2498394 B2490646 B2490644
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. What does 3M stand for?
2002 – Centennial Name Change. As 3M employees celebrated 3M's centennial anniversary, “3M Company” becomes the legal name for 3M—originally incorporated as Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company.
2. Where is 3M Company from?
Two Harbors, Minnesota, United States
3. Is 3M unionized?
He served until 1977. 3M was proud of its good management-employee relationships. ... Since 1999, unionized employees have been represented by the United Steelworkers.
4. Are all 3M products made in USA?
It's very difficult to find American-made products these days, but St. Paul, Minnesota based 3M Company, is striving to make it easier. 3M products used mostly by the U.S. electrical industry are made in places such as New Ulm and Hutchinson, MN and Chelmsford, MA.
5. Is Scotch owned by 3M?
The Scotch brand, Scotch Tape and Magic Tape are registered trademarks of 3M.
6. What is 3M famous for?
3M Company is known for its culture of innovation and investment in research and development which has resulted in the invention of many new products for both the industrial and consumer markets.
7. How many patents does 3M hold?
How many patents does 3M hold? Technology and innovation are at the heart of 3M – the company has been granted more than 118,000 patents, and each year, more than 4,000 new patents are issued to 3M worldwide.
8. Why is 3M so successful?
The root of 3M's success is its business model; to foster organic growth by inventing entirely new, market-changing products. ... In order to foster this growth, 3M has always emphasized the important of research and development (R&D) to which the company dedicates six percent of its yearly revenue.
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